At the beginning of next month, our family will celebrate serving APA for two years. The first year was a learning curve, resolving issues and unifying the church body. The second year was establishing staff and building solid ministries and programs.
In this third year, I see the challenge of passing the baton and engaging the “Buster Generation” (born in ‘65 and up). In this third year, I see the value and need to raise up leaders and workers to do the work of the kingdom. I am excited to see God bring about positive results and change!
A challenge to the younger generation—to step up to the plate and move into a greater place of leadership and service in the church family. I want to call you and throw out the challenge – here it is ...
Would you hear me calling you to move up to the front?
I would like to see the Buster Generation move from the back rows, the balcony, and the corners of the church – physically move up front and center of our sanctuary. You may ask the question WHY? Why would you want us to move upfront? Well, here’s ...
Ten Reasons Why:
Sitting upfront is an encouragement to me personally.
Sitting upfront reminds us all that the church has a future because we see the children and youth.
Sitting upfront says to visitors this church has young families.
Sitting upfront says to the Boomer Generation that we are ready to step into the place of responsibility for the future of APA.
Sitting upfront is closer to the altar, where God’s spirit moves from and touches those closest to the altar first.
Sitting upfront is farther from the exit, so when hard times come, those up front will stay and won’t bail.
Sitting upfront will create momentum in the service because with families’ kids and youth, one always gets commotion.
Sitting upfront in school as a student says I am serious about what I am here for and what will be best for me.
Sitting upfront says I want to be first to receive or get whatever is given out.
Sitting upfront says I am a part of moving the congregation and the kingdom of God forward.
If this were hockey, a movie, your kids’ school drama, or receiving your passport from the passport officer ... being upfront has it advantages!
Would you join me upfront just to see what God would do? Make this decision prayerfully. I believe the best seats in the house of God are upfront.
Step up and take a new seat!