
Hand me downs aren't so bad

My sister's family business unloaded another sweet ride, 3/4 tonne diesel, crew cab, with lots of options. With the price of gas, the diesel will be a nice relief.


Best Truck a man could own

Well that old girl was sold to a water treatment company - the fellow that purchased it shipped it the next day to Alaska by barge to do field work. That green machine held a lot of good memories. Never let us down even though it was a ford.


Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana - HEY HEY HEY Good bye

Oh the gas gusler is gone - with the price of fuel at $1.23 a litre I would have needed to get a second job. It was fun while it last but just did not meet our families needs. A wonderful Korean family purchased it, part of the deal was to show them how it work and to teach them how to drive. I showed them how it worked, but part of my Agreement with the Ontairo Provincial Police when I was a "Young offender" was to never instruct anyone how to drive or let alone risk their life riding with me.

Now we have no camper, sleeping in a tent does not excit me or the mrs. either, anybody got a good used camper for sale?



Well this should keep us busy this summer. The new 600 will join team polaris as we rip up the logging roads and dig thru the praire bog this summer. The sportman is well equip to pull the Honda machines home and dig out the Yamaha beast out of the mud holes.


At the beginning of next month, our family will celebrate serving APA for two years. The first year was a learning curve, resolving issues and unifying the church body. The second year was establishing staff and building solid ministries and programs.
In this third year, I see the challenge of passing the baton and engaging the “Buster Generation” (born in ‘65 and up). In this third year, I see the value and need to raise up leaders and workers to do the work of the kingdom. I am excited to see God bring about positive results and change!
A challenge to the younger generation—to step up to the plate and move into a greater place of leadership and service in the church family. I want to call you and throw out the challenge – here it is ...
Would you hear me calling you to move up to the front?

I would like to see the Buster Generation move from the back rows, the balcony, and the corners of the church – physically move up front and center of our sanctuary. You may ask the question WHY? Why would you want us to move upfront? Well, here’s ...
Ten Reasons Why:

Sitting upfront is an encouragement to me personally.
Sitting upfront reminds us all that the church has a future because we see the children and youth.
Sitting upfront says to visitors this church has young families.
Sitting upfront says to the Boomer Generation that we are ready to step into the place of responsibility for the future of APA.
Sitting upfront is closer to the altar, where God’s spirit moves from and touches those closest to the altar first.
Sitting upfront is farther from the exit, so when hard times come, those up front will stay and won’t bail.
Sitting upfront will create momentum in the service because with families’ kids and youth, one always gets commotion.
Sitting upfront in school as a student says I am serious about what I am here for and what will be best for me.
Sitting upfront says I want to be first to receive or get whatever is given out.
Sitting upfront says I am a part of moving the congregation and the kingdom of God forward.

If this were hockey, a movie, your kids’ school drama, or receiving your passport from the passport officer ... being upfront has it advantages!

Would you join me upfront just to see what God would do? Make this decision prayerfully. I believe the best seats in the house of God are upfront.

Step up and take a new seat!


Preachers' got it rough

If he is young, he lacks experience;
if his hair is grey, he is too old;
if he has five or six children, he has too many;
if he has none, he is setting a bad example.
If his wife sings in the choir, she is being forward;

if she does not, she is not interested in her husband’s work.
If he speaks from notes, he has canned sermons and is dry;

if he is extemporaneous, he is not deep.
If he spends too much time in his study, he neglects his people;

if he is visible, he is a gadabout.
If he is attentive to the poor, he is playing to the grandstand;

if to the wealthy, he is trying to be an aristocrat.
If he suggests improvements for the church, he is a dictator;

if he makes no suggestion, he is a figurehead.
If he uses too many illustrations, he neglects the Bible; if not enough, he is not clear.
If he condemns wrong, he is cranky; if he does not, he is a compromiser.
If he preaches the truth, he is offensive; if not, he is a hypocrite.
If he preaches an hour, he is windy; if less, he is lazy.
If he fails to please everybody, he is hurting the Church; if he does please everybody, he has no convictions.
If he preaches tithing, he is a moneygrabber; if he does not, he is failing to develop his people.
If he receives a large salary, he is mercenary; if a small salary, it proves he is not worth much.
If he preaches all the time, the people get tired of hearing one man; if he invites guest preachers, he is shirking responsibility.
SO WHAT! They say the preacher has it rough.


Top 10 reasons you might be a Redneck Preacher

10. If your Sunday School bus is on blocks
9. If you've ever canceled church because the cows got out
8. If your belt buckle's bigger than your Bible
7. If you're skeptical of preachers who wear robes and clerical collars.
6. If there's a sign over the church door that reads, "This building protected by Smith and Wesson
5. If you've ever taken deep-fried possum to a church dinner
4. If you've ever made change in the offering plate
3. If you've ever shown slides from your trip to Graceland
2. If you use crayon to print your sermon (red and green)
1. If your altar call is longer than your sermon