
Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana - HEY HEY HEY Good bye

Oh the gas gusler is gone - with the price of fuel at $1.23 a litre I would have needed to get a second job. It was fun while it last but just did not meet our families needs. A wonderful Korean family purchased it, part of the deal was to show them how it work and to teach them how to drive. I showed them how it worked, but part of my Agreement with the Ontairo Provincial Police when I was a "Young offender" was to never instruct anyone how to drive or let alone risk their life riding with me.

Now we have no camper, sleeping in a tent does not excit me or the mrs. either, anybody got a good used camper for sale?



Well this should keep us busy this summer. The new 600 will join team polaris as we rip up the logging roads and dig thru the praire bog this summer. The sportman is well equip to pull the Honda machines home and dig out the Yamaha beast out of the mud holes.